Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2352 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS G. A Tribute to the Early Printers of the Niagara Region, Being an Expression of Respect for the First Printers of Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Rochester and Buffalo by the Niagara District Conference of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen, Meeting in Buffalo, May 26 and 27, 1939.
5247 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. Rochester Imprints 1819-1850, in Libraries outside of Rochester; An Informal Check List.
5248 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets Printed at Geneva, N.Y. 1800-1850.
5249 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. Additional Geneva Imprints 1815-1849.
5250 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets and Broadsides Printed at Canandaigua, New York 1799-1850.

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